FirstFarms Gabčíkovo s.r.o.
The company, which became a part of the FirstFarms Group in 2019, was established in 2002 by a group of Danish farmers - bringing valuable know how. The main activity is pig and crop production. FirstFarms Gabčíkovo s.r.o. produces pigs on four farms - all within a 5 km distance from each other, and on the company's 1,550 hectares of land, crops are cultivated mainly to provide feed for the animals.
Genetic, certificates and awards
In our production we are using Danish Genetics and are proud to be Danish Genetics partner. It means that our pig production consists of both world class genetic expertise and highly professional pig breeding. The aim of genetic selection is to optimise the production and our profit, by breeding pigs known for its high meat percentage and high quality.
Farms: Gabčíkovo, Old Nyékiszél, New Nyékiszél, Malý háj, Slovakia
Head office: Gabčíkovo
Feed mill: Gabčíkovo - production capacity (max.): 18,000 tons/year
Facts about Gabčíkovo
This is our reproduction farm with 2,300 sows, where all inseminations and farrowing take place.
The piglets stay with the sows until they are weaned and moved to Old Nyékiszél, when they have a weight of 6-7 kg.

Facts about Old Nyékiszél
The weaned piglets are fed until they weigh 22-25 kg, whereafter they are sold to the subsidiary FirstFarms Granero in Czech Repubic (720 pcs./week) or they are moved to a slaughter farm, where they are fattened before they are slaughtered.
Yearly, more than 73,000 weaned piglets are sold from this location.
Facts about New Nyékiszél and Malý háj
These two locations are our slaughter farms, where we are fattening the pigs transported from Old Nyékieszél for the slaughterhouses.
Yearly, more than 30,000 pigs are sold from these locations with an average weight of 120 kg.
Main part of our production is sold to Slovak slaughterhouses.
(New Nyékieszél at the bottom and Malý háj at the top)

FirstFarms Gabčíkovo s.r.o.
Patasska 586, 930 05 Gabčíkovo
Telephone: +421 31 550 97 16
Morten Knudsgaard;
Production director:
Attila Koczkas;
Kinga Mészárosva;
Pig production:
Tibor Csikasz;